
Supplier Information.
Axis is a company based in Hull, which started off in 2001 as a telecoms and mobile provider. It became an energy supplier after it got a license in 2012 and currently provides a range of gas and electricity tariffs for businesses of all sizes.

Things to know about Axis:
– It supports businesses of all credit levels, on both half hourly and non half hourly meters
– It offer contracts with fixed prices for 1 or 2 years, although if the costs to Axis increase by more than 20% it can increase the clients costs
– You can only pay by direct debit
– It offers free smart meters
– Green or renewable products – not available
– Will your contract rollover if you don’t switch? – Yes
Services Provided
Yes Electricity
Yes Gas 
Yes Telecoms
Contact Details 
Tel Number -  0844 875 1950
Email Address - 
Address - Axis, Utility House, 32-36 Prospect St, Kingston Upon Hull, HU2 8PX
Termination - N/A
Click Here to visit their Website
Document Related to this Supplier
Axis Electricity Contract

Axis Gas Contract

Axis Example Electricity Contract

Axis example Gas Contract

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