
Supplier Information
Established since 2009, Dual Energy is an independent, UK owned energy supplier leading the way in Smart Meter billing, low energy prices and dedicated Customer Services. They have assisted thousands of UK businesses to better manage their energy usage and reduce their monthly bills.
Services Provided
Yes Electricity
Yes Gas 
No  Telecoms
Contact Details 
Customer Service Tel Number - 01903 703400
Customer Service Email Address - customer.services@dual-energy.co.uk
Head Office Address - Premium House, The Esplanade, Worthing BN11 2BJ

Broker Support - 01903 703411
Click Here to visit their website
Document Related to this Supplier
Dual Energy - Contract

Dual Energy - Direct Debit Form

Dual Energy - Terms and Conditions

Dual Energy - Switching To Dual Energy Guide

Dual Energy - Budget Plan Guide

Dual Energy - Energy Meter Guide

Dual Energy - Smart Meter Information

Dual Energy - Understanding your Bill

Dual Energy - Charges

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