Actual Reading (A) –
An actual reading obtained from the meter used for invoicing.
AMR (Automated Meter Reading) –
AMR meters are advanced energy meters that enable the meter to record detailed energy consumption data and communicate that data to the energy supplier.
AQ or AAQ (Annual Quantity) –
The annual quantity of gas consumed measured in kilowatt hours (kWh).
ARD (Agreed Read Dispute) -
The process of correcting erroneous readings after a COS.
Bill –
A statement of services with a sum due sent to DUS.
CCL (Climate Change Levy) –
A government charge on commercial electricity and gas designed to encourage lower consumption and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
CED (Contract End Date) –
Date a contract is due to end.
Consumption –
The amount of energy used. In the energy world, this is represented by the number of kilowatt hours (kWh).
COS (Change Of Supplier) –
When a supply is transferred from one energy provider to another.
COT (Change Of Tenancy) –
Opening of a new account by a customer who moves into an existing premise with gas or electric supplies.
CSD (Contract Start Date) –
The date a contract is due to start, not necessarily the date it was signed.
Customer Reading (A) –
A reading obtained from the customer used for invoicing.
Deemed Rates –
Like OOC (Out of Contract) rates, deemed rates are standing charges and unit rates charged at a higher level when no contract has previously been agreed.
DNO (Distribution Network Operator) –
The company that owns and operates the power lines and infrastructure that connect the energy network to the supply site.
EAC (Estimated Annual Consumption) –
Like an AQ but related to the consumption of commercial electricity, based on previous billing information.
Estimated Read (E) –
An estimated reading used on invoices is used if the supplier has been unable to obtain an actual meter reading.
FITS (Feed In Tariffs) –
The tariffs are payments to anyone who owns a renewable electricity system, for every kilowatt hour they generate.
Half-Hour Meter (HH) –
Since April 1998, code five meters have been mandatory for all sites over 100kVA, and voluntary for sites under 100kVA. These meters record consumption used every 30 minutes.
HHD (Half-hour data) –
This is the product of the half-hour data meter. The data is usually made available to end users by a way of a spreadsheet.
Invoice –
A statement of services with a sum due sent to a customer on behalf of DUS.
kW (Kilowatt) –
Kilowatts are the units used to measure maximum demand.
kWh (Kilowatt Hour) –
Electricity consumption (as opposed to maximum demand) is measured in kilowatt hours.
MAM (Meter Asset Manager) –
These are responsible for the design, installation, commissioning, maintenance, removal and disposal of gas supply meters.
MAP (Meter Asset Provider) –
Businesses that finance the installation of smart meters. They typically own and operate the meter assets and rent/lease them to energy suppliers, who are then able to meet installation targets without taking on additional debt
Maximum Demand –
The measure of the highest peak of electricity flow to a given point, often during a half-hour period.
MOP (Meter Operator) –
A Meter Operator agreement is a legal requirement for all half hourly electricity supplied meters. This contract covers the supply of the meter, maintenance, and the necessary telecommunications for sending consumption data to energy suppliers.
Meter Point Administration Number (MPAN) - this is a 21-digit reference used to uniquely identify electricity supply points.
Meter Point Reference Number (MPRN) - is the number given to uniquely identify every point on the network where a gas meter could be or is connected.
mW (Megawatt) –
A unit for measuring power that is equivalent to one million watts.
mWh (Megawatt Hour)
A megawatt hour (Mwh) is equal to 1,000 Kilowatt hours (Kwh).
Objection -
Official procedure by a current energy supplier to interrupt the switching of suppliers.
OFGEM (Office of Gas and Electricity Markets) –
Ofgem regulates the gas and electricity industries in Great Britain. Ofgem is governed by a market authority and its powers are provided for by Acts of Parliament.
OOC Rates (Out Of Contract) –
Standing charges and unit rates charged at a higher level when no contractual agreement is in place.
RO (Renewables Obligation) –
Suppliers must source a specific percentage of their electricity from renewable sources and produce Renewables Obligation Certificates (ROCs) for every MWh.
SC (Standing Charge) –
If you have a standing charge on your bills, this means you pay a fixed amount for the amount of energy you use and the supply.
TPI (Third Party Intermediaries) –
Organisations or individuals that give energy- related advice, aimed at buying energy and/or customer queries. TPIs include switching sites, energy brokers and any company that offers support with energy procurement.
Transposed Reads –
When the billing of a supply is using the wrong meter registers to calculate consumption & charges. Example- R1 rates charged to R2 readings & R2 rates charged to R1 readings.