Extra Energy

Supplier Information
Extra Energy provide a unique product in the business energy industry. They provide extremely cheep prices to clients, but with poor customer service. Extra Energy grew very quickly in 2015 - 2016 which had a knock on effect to the level of customer service that they provided. 

Extra drew 1,682 complaints per 100,000 customers in the first three months of 2016, according to figures from Citizens Advice, which said this was "the highest complaints ratio ever recorded" in the five years since it began compiling league tables.

Diverse Utility Solutions do NOT have a direct relationship with Extra Energy and will only ever price with Extra energy as a very last resort. 
Services Provided
Yes Electricity
Yes Gas 
No Telecoms
Contact Details 
Customer Service Tel Number - 0330 303 4774   -    0845 140 0253
Customer Service Email Address - N/A
Head Office Address - 54 Hagley Rd, Birmingham B16 8PE
Click Here to visit their Website
Document Related to this Supplier
Extra Energy Terms and Conditions

Extra Energy VAT Declaration

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