How to fill out the DCF.
1. Business Details
- The top section of the DCF is exactly the same as the LOA, so if you are in a rush, you can fill that out at a later stage once you have left the client.
2. Client Details - In order for us to be able to assist a business that is not a limited company, we require this information. We need to know - The clients full name, Home Address, Date of Birth, and the number of years at their current property. (if this is less than 5 please put their previous address in the additional information at the bottom of the page.)
3. Contract Info - This information is about the competition we are facing when pricing a new contract. This is not essential but can really help.
Electricity Info - This section is important - We need this information in order to price accurately. We require the following information -
Number of Electric Meters - This information is useful for us when pricing the client as we don't want to miss any meters.
Estimated Annual Spend - gives us a good idea of what they spent last year so we know our information is accurate.
Existing Supplier - Essential if we do not have copy invoices.
Bill Frequency Does the client get invoiced Monthly or Quarterly? You can ask "How often do your bills come?"
Payment method - How does the client currently pay for their energy? (Cheque/Cash, Variable or fixed Direct Debit)
Dispute - Is the client currently in a dispute with their current energy provider?
Debt -
Is there a debt or outstanding unpaid balance on the clients account? (we need to know)
h) Contract End date - we need to know this, but if you are unsure leave it blank, the current supplier will usually tell us.
Termination - We also need to know if we are required to give termination on their behalf. (We usually will anyway as it is better to have a duplication of notice than no notice at all.)