DUS Guidelines.
Diverse Utility Solutions take the Data Protection Act very seriously. The following rules outline our basic internal data protection policy.
1. All guidelines must be assessed regularly both as a company and as individuals.
2. Any client information received (whether live, pending or prospective) is deemed as DUS specific. It cannot be used for any other purposes by yourself or a third party. If you have other business or personal interests you must make it clear to the customer and take the details at a separate meeting and not using DUS branding or logo. Any data obtained for a third party interest cannot be stored with DUS data,
3. Strictly no documentation containing banking details should be kept. All documents should be shredded or sent to DUS office for correct disposal..
4. Details such as names, addresses and emails on our calling lists should be kept up to date and anything over 12 months old which cannot be used should be deleted or destroyed.
5. Only details relevant to the procurement of energy (or any of our other services) should be kept. Any personal data outside of this remit should not be kept or stored.
6. Any DUS related data should be held in a locked filing cabinet or locked office, Any electronic information should be secured by password. All passwords for DUS email accounts must not be shared with any third party, even people within DUS (with the exception of directors and admin)
7. Any clients details who cease to be customers, should be held securely for a minimum of seven years.
8. DUS cannot be held responsible for any data protection breach caused neglect of these guidelines, In short, your data is your responsibility.
If you have not already completed the DUS Data Protection Training Module it is compulsory that you do before handling any customer or potential customer data.